Jumat, 06 November 2009


you'll never find another me
you'll never had another story
knowing that you there
i try to find you
knowing that you here
i won't let you go
can yau see that i ?
got lost in your eyes
can you see that i ?
got trapped in your heart
knowing that you there
i try to find you
knowing that you here
i won't let you go
whooa oh
it's gettin' dark here
whooa oh
right now
whooa oh
i need you tonight
ooh tonight
reff :
tell you that i will never leave
tell you that i will kiss you now
turn you up, no
turn you down, no

Rabu, 04 November 2009


kelas 7-8 tuch kelas yang gado-gado. semua ada di kelas ini. mulai dari yang iseng, tukang bikin ulah, yang pinter, yang baik, yang sombaong semua ada di kelas 7-8. kelas tujuh lapan tuch serba serbi. kadang idenya bener. tapi kadang aneh dan gak masuk akal. 7-8 penuh kegaduhan.
walau berisik tapi seru. walau sombong tapi kalau udah deket jadinya baek. pokoknya 7-8 tuch penuh serba serbi dech.